Missionary Devotional (Travid Moffit)
And He Shall Be Called
Merry Christmas! This a most holy and joyous occasion – the birth of Jesus represents the starting point of God’s ultimate gift to mankind: His one and only Son! We celebrate Jesus’ birth as our Wonderful Counselor: the one who guides our lives and shows us how to live. We celebrate Him as our Mighty […]
Thankful, even in brokenness
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 NLT Have you ever experienced a time of brokenness? Of course, you have; we all have brokenness in our lives. Yet, we live in a world that is so quick to discard the broken. Just recently, a table fell […]
One King, One Kingdom
We are just hours away from what feels like the most consequential U.S. election in our lifetime. Many issues are seemingly at stake that are close to our hearts and close to the heart of God: the rights of the unborn, safety in our communities, and protection for Israel. It is true that there are […]
Summer greetings to our TFNI Family
YOU are why the Lord inspired our founders to organize this great fellowship that means so much to us all. Our annual gathering is coming up July 16-18 in Orange County, California. We will be joined by Sean Smith, Chris & Erica Estrada, and many more for three nights of impartation, equipping, and FELLOWSHIP! Our […]
Marketplace Ministry in the Church quick start guide
On average, less than 3% of the body of Christ is engaged in conventional vocational ministry. Everyone else has their primary assignment outside the four walls. Imagine if our churches did a better job of affirming, equipping, and empowering the 97% for their calling? We have prepared a quick start guide with practical ideas on how […]
Living in the Overflow
At the beginning of 2024, God gave me the theme of “Living in the Overflow” because of His limitless supply. Resurrection OVERFLOW! In the Amplified Bible, it says, “And this, so that I may know Him [experientially, becoming more thoroughly acquainted with Him, understanding the remarkable wonders of His Person more completely] and [in that […]
God with us!
“Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” – Matthew 1:23 My heart is encouraged this Christmas in His name: Emmanuel, God WITH us. The Word became flesh and moved into our neighborhood to be with us […]
Thank you Jesus!
The more life we live, the more thankful we should find ourselves to Jesus for all that he has done in our lives. He is worthy of our thanksgiving! As we gather around our tables with friends and family in honor of Thanksgiving Day, let us join our hearts and minds in an attitude of […]
Pray for Israel
From the very beginning, the Fellowship has supported Israel and its people. Today is no exception. Our faith in Jesus is rooted in a belief that God keeps His promises and that His blessing and favor are passed from generation to generation. The ministers of The Fellowship Network stand with Israel and against the ghastly […]
Edify One Another!
We just wrapped up an amazing time together in Sarasota, Florida, at The Fellowship Conference. Our theme was “EDIFY”, and the conference definitely lived up to its name. We had over 250 individuals at the Hyatt Regency, including 40 kids and over 50 missionaries! I want to acknowledge the fantastic team that made everything happen […]
Kingdom Worklife – Blessed are the Persecuted
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 5:10 NIV How is this possible? Aren’t blessings and persecution antithetical? Wouldn’t we rather say, “blessed are you when everyone likes you, follows you, and when your friend requests keep rolling in?” What is persecution? Insults, slander, abuse, […]
The Power of Edification
It’s a time of great uncertainty juxtaposed by a time of great harvest. While the world struggles with unrest, inflation, and war, we see spiritual hunger rising all across our nation. In a post-pandemic world, people are searching for truth. And despite seasons of difficulty, ministries everywhere are meeting the challenge of shepherding God’s harvest […]
Kingdom Worklife – Blessed are The Peacemakers
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God! Imagine there is a disagreement: tempers flare, two angry men square off, ready to come to blows. Friends step in to pull them apart and de-escalate the conflict. Is that what it means to be a peacemaker? The biblical concept goes beyond […]
Kingdom Worklife – The Pure in Heart Will See God
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” What does “pure in heart” mean? Most of the Christian conversation around purity focuses on sexual purity. While this is of great importance, I think that this passage purity of heart probably has more to do with motivation. Sexual impurity would be a subset […]
Kingdom Worklife – Blessed are the Merciful
The beatitudes cut counter to the wisdom of the age. This is a different kingdom. There is a genre of film called “revenge flicks.” When we watch those films, do we identify with the hero who gives out cold justice to the villain? Why don’t we see ourselves as the ones in need of mercy? […]
Because He Lives
This has been an emotional season for my family and I. We recently experienced the sudden loss of several family members, including my infant grandsons. My wife’s mother went to be with Jesus during the same week, and the losses have hit us in a very profound and personal way. But our loss is heaven’s […]
Kingdom Worklife – Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
When you think of human priorities, little comes before food and drink. These are the necessities: without them, you die. Jesus is saying that those in His Kingdom hunger and thirst for righteousness. Kingdom people prioritize the King and the Kingdom in all of life. Jesus said, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and […]
Kingdom Worklife – The Meek will Inherit the Earth
For at least ten years leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, one of the most common themes I heard in prophetic words was, “wealth transfer is coming; the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous.” When someone would give this word in a church or conference, there was always an enthusiastic […]
Kingdom Worklife – Those who Mourn
Blessing and cursing both operate on the principle of agreement. “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse— the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God…” (Deut 11:26-28 cf. […]
Kingdom Worklife – The Poor in Spirit
The word philosophy comes from the greek (philo sophia) meaning love of wisdom. At its essence, philosophy is about reality and how wisdom answers the questions of life – what is real, true and good. James quoted Jesus’s sermon on the mount and describes the beatitudes as wisdom from heaven (James 3:17). He contrasts this […]
Kingdom Worklife – The Philosophy of the Kingdom
Years ago I heard a pastor tell of a conversation he had with a fellow passenger on an airplane. As they circled the city waiting to land, the city’s streets and buildings stretched out below them. The man asked, “so pastor, where’s your church? The pastor thought for a minute and then said, well some […]
Every Monday is an outreach
The force for evangelism sits in our sanctuaries Sunday morning and heads off to work Monday morning. Pastor, there is an opportunity here – your people can either just head off to work or they can be sent off to work. Every Monday is an outreach. This Monday morning sending has more potential to impact […]
Diversity and Forgiveness
Jesus’ prayer in John 17:22-23 gives us a glimpse of our future potential: “And the glory which you have given Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may […]
The Move of the Spirit in the Workplace
A few years ago I read a book titled “The Happiest People on Earth,” a testimony of Demos Shakarian and the story of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship. At that time the book was out of print, but thankfully a second edition is now in print. If you haven’t read it, I recommend it – […]
How to Activate Marketplace Ministers So That You Can Impact Your City for the Kingdom
Growing up in a pastor’s home, I knew that God had called me to ministry since I was in the third grade. I stayed faithful to that call, went to Bible college, and married a fiery young preacher. We pastored a large church, winning awards for our inner-city work in helping reduce crime due to […]
The cornerstone of our faith
The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. The life of Jesus shows us how to live, the death of Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, and the resurrection of Jesus is why our faith still has power today. Without the resurrection, we are simply a club of like-minded individuals celebrating a […]
Helping Your People Discover their Assignment
Pastor Philip, the senior pastor of an African megachurch, told me about a government official in his congregation. She was so effective in her government role she had achieved national news recognition for her accomplishments. She was also a member of the choir and had a lovely voice. He would often thank her for using […]
When Try Harder is Not the Answer
Research shows that 9 out of 10 pastors feel worn out and overworked. 75% would describe themselves as “highly or extremely stressed out.” In my conversations with pastors, I hear many of the same themes. They feel overworked and trapped by the busyness of ministry. They would like the church to grow but feel stuck […]
Support for Ukraine
The situation in Ukraine continues to be dire. The Russian army continues their assault on Kyiv, and many brave souls choose to remain and fight. Thousands more are attempting to flee the country to safety. Fortunately, there are Christian ministries working on the ground to provide physical and spiritual support. Fellowship Network member (and European […]
The Eden Pattern on Monday Morning
What do you feel when you look at your community? If you are like most leaders I know, you carry a burden for your community – for those who don’t have a shepherd. You see those bound by sin, walking in darkness and deceived by the enemy, and you, like Jesus, are moved with compassion. […]
Bizinstry: what if we took a new approach?
This article by Jeff Greer and Chuck Proudfit is reprinted with permission from OUTCOMES MAGAZINE. For most of us in leadership, resources never seem to keep pace with vision. Whether you’re running a church or a nonprofit organization, donations tend to fall short of needs with frustrating regularity. Taking initiative to tackle this, we started […]
Resources for Marketplace Ministry
Dear Marketplace Leader, TFN is working diligently to develop a robust marketplace track. God is moving powerfully in the marketplace in this hour and we want to embrace that move and do all we can to extend the kingdom of God in the marketplace. Our prayer is that these resources help you in your ministry. […]
God With US
Merry Christmas! I pray God’s blessings on you during this most significant time of the year. It’s significant because God sent His Son. But it’s easy for us to become so familiar with the holiday that we miss out on its special significance to us as ministers. We can all relate to feeling tired and […]
Standing Firm…Together
Philippians 1:27 (NASB) “… you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” It is a privilege to stand with you in like precious faith. In the The Fellowship’s North West family, we remain serving in our communities, in our ministries, with our families and friends—and […]
Our Obligation to the Gospel
Our world needs the Gospel. War, disease, floods, and famine: we live in a time of desperation for so many people. And yet scripture is clear that our HOPE is in Jesus. But how will people receive hope if nobody tells them? The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:14-16, “I am obligated both to Greeks […]
Changes to our membership dues
Dear Fellowship Network member, The faithful dues of our members are what support the ongoing ministry of The Fellowship Network. This revenue allows us to sow into missions work around the globe, host gatherings, and administer 501(c)(3) tax covering for our churches and organizations. We have provided care, covering, and resources to valued members like […]
Walk Where Jesus Walked
Hello friends, It’s an exciting time to be alive! The world is emerging out of the pandemic and historic sites around the world are excited to host visitors. This year is a great opportunity to visit the Holy Land and experience what this unique region has to offer. From walking in the footsteps of Jesus […]
Overcoming Together
I so appreciate you for sticking with us through a challenging year of cancellations, postponements, and rescheduling. We could not have made it through this time of uncertainty without our Fellowship Network family praying and standing together. Our leadership team took bold action a few months ago when we committed to hosting The Fellowship Conference […]
The Power of Together
About six months ago, I was experiencing a season of discouragement. The global health crisis was raging, our churches were struggling to re-open, and the weight of ministry felt overwhelming. But then I experienced hope. God used a small, intimate gathering of ministers in the Pacific Northwest to bring healing to my soul and momentum […]
Christ Arose, and so do we!
As Christians, we identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. I find it fitting that as our world emerges from the long gloom of the pandemic, we are celebrating our savior who rose from the grave. Jesus’ resurrection declared victory over everything: sin, the curse, sickness, strife, and suffering. His victory over death […]
Experiencing Hope
You’ve been wondering, speculating, and waiting on the edge of your seats for the answer to the big question: will there be a Fellowship Network conference in 2021? After much deliberation, seeking God, and examining our options with state and local rules, I’m happy to announce that YES, we will be gathering in Scottsdale, AZ, […]
Tour of the Holy Land
The Fellowship is traveling to Israel this year! President Steve Holder and Vice President Harry Schmidt will be leading a trip from November 14-23, 2021. We will tour important historic sites such as the Mount of Olives, the Garden Tomb, the Garden of Gethsemane, visit a Holocaust Museum, the Fortress at Masada, the Dead Sea, […]
Turning Point for our Nation
The Presidential Inauguration is always a momentous day for our nation. Regardless of our political affiliation, our mandate from scripture is to pray for our leaders and serve our flocks with integrity and grace. I believe that until Jesus returns, our assignment is to watch and pray and be about the Father’s business. Here is […]
The Greatest Gift
Someone once wrote: “If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator; if our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist; if our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist; if our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have […]
Giving Thanks in Challenging Times
We are approaching a very unique Thanksgiving holiday. It has been an unusual year with many challenges and unexpected obstacles in ministry. From lockdowns, bans on gatherings, not to mention financial hardships and financial uncertainty, 2020 especially has been a year of leaning on the goodness of God. Many of us have grown stronger in […]
Election Day
Today is a pivotal day for our country. Millions of people have voted over the past several weeks and millions more will vote in the next few hours. Tonight, we will all be glued to our seats watching the results come in with a combination of excitement and trepidation for the future. However, do you […]
A few good men (and women)
I have the privilege of serving alongside some of the greatest men and women in the world during my time as president of The Fellowship Network. Countless pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and lay ministers have volunteered their time and expertise to ensure our ministry continues to bless and serve our thousands of members, churches, and organizations. […]
It’s time to meet Face to Face
We all know it’s been a different year than expected! Though we didn’t want to, we had to cancel our North West Regional conference back in May due to COVID-19. Now it’s time to do something about that! Let’s get together FACE TO FACE—a one-night event in Lynnwood, WA. On Thursday, October 29, to Friday […]
FaithPoint Grand Opening
Upcoming North Central Conference
While 2020 wasn’t anything like we expected, God has been faithful! Please know that you are thought of and prayed for often and I believe that your greatest days of ministry lay ahead. Our regional gathering will look different this year. We will join together with Ken Harbaum’s Covenant of Peace Missions Conference in Eaton, […]
The year of the overcoming church
Around the county, we are seeing schools re-opening, colleges welcoming back students, businesses emerging, and communities arising from a long, difficult summer. As restrictions loosen, churches start to gather again and people’s hearts begin to stir. God is doing something in our nation! It’s been a difficult journey in 2020. And we are not out […]
Encouragement in Uncertain Times
Watch this special encouragement message from North West Vice President Kevin Hunter
Marketplace Chaplains
Dear Pastor, As part of our Marketplace Ministry, I would like to identify everyone in the Fellowship who serves (or wants to serve) as a chaplain in the civilian world. This includes those who work with first responders, the medical field, athletics, manufacturing, transportation, or any other workplace (excluding the military, which falls under a […]
Leaders of Hope
Hope marks our lives. Where there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present. There are no hopeless situations; there are only people who have grown hopeless about them. I believe that our Fellowship is meant to be an extraordinary example of HOPE during these challenging times. While the world […]
Robin Rees, 1941-2020
Robin was well-loved by so many people across the world. His work as pastor and a missionary spanned his lifetime.
Pentecost: The day of church empowerment.
Today is Pentecost Sunday: the day the church was set on fire. Fifty days after the crucifixion of Jesus, the promise of the Father was sent to empower the early church in power and boldness. And the same is true today. I think that it is fitting that Pentecost Sunday should fall in a season […]
Churches overcoming quarantine – Q&A with Derek Miller
We are hearing more and more reports of victory and overcoming during the COVID-19 quarantine. Many churches have made exceptional leaps forwards to move their ministry online and are seeing God do great things through new uses of technology. Our team recently spoke with Derek Miller, the lead pastor of Hope City Dallas in the […]
How to minister in times of crisis
This year has proven to be exceptionally challenging. We have experienced circumstances not seen in a lifetime: a nation-wide quarantine, new rules for social distancing, and many individuals prevented from earning an income. Never have we seen so many people wearing masks, gloves, and living in a state of fear and anxiety. All of this […]
Are you ready to further your education while serving in the ministry?
Ready to further your education while serving in the ministry? GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY is offering customized online degrees designed for active ministers like YOU! Their unique one-class-at-a-time format makes it a perfect fit for Fellowship Network members. Find out more by clicking the big purple button —->> LEARN MORE Meet your personal GCU advisor Angela […]
Special message from President Steve Holder
Announcement regarding the 2020 Fellowship Conference
Dear Fellowship Network family, It’s with a heavy heart that we announce that we have canceled our 2020 Fellowship Conference in Chicago, IL. Our desire is always for fellowship and face-to-face gathering of the saints, but circumstances will not make that possible this July. The situation in the state of Illinois and other parts […]
Pray for His Glory on the Earth
Today is the National Day of Prayer, a day to humble ourselves before God and acknowledge our need for His power and influence in our world. Praying amidst a pandemic is more relevant than ever! Our eyes and ears and hearts should be open to seeing the glory of God covering the earth. Here are […]
Jesus is our Secure Anchor
How to pick an online giving platform
If there was ever an opportunity to transition your church or organization to online donations, now is the time.
Churches overcoming quarantine – Q&A with David Howells
We are hearing more and more reports of victory and overcoming during the COVID-19 quarantine. Many churches have made exceptional leaps forwards to move their ministry online and are seeing God do great things through new uses of technology. David Howells Church of the Living Christ Bridgewater, PA Our team recently spoke with David Howells, […]
Churches overcoming quarantine – Q&A with Michael Britt
We are hearing more and more reports of victory and overcoming during the COVID-19 quarantine. Many churches have made exceptional leaps forwards to move their ministry online and are seeing God do great things through new uses of technology.
Churches overcoming quarantine – Q&A with Phil Vance
We are hearing more and more reports of victory and overcoming during the COVID-19 quarantine. Many churches have made exceptional leaps forwards to move their ministry online and are seeing God do great things through new uses of technology.
Remembering Gary McSpadden
Our friend and longtime Fellowship member Gary McSpadden passed away on April 15th in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was 77. Gary’s music career spanned nearly five decades. He performed as part of several vocal groups, including The Statesmen Quartet, Oak Ridge Boys, The Imperials, The Bill Gaither Trio, and the Gaither Vocal Band. He was an […]
Road to Hope
The experiences of Jesus during Good Friday looked like anything but good to the natural eye. Rather than a path of victory, it had all the marks of despair. Betrayal, pain, humiliation, and grief washed over Him on His journey to the cross. What began with so much hope of defeating Rome and reestablishing the […]
Financial Resources during COVID-19
We are truly living in an unprecedented time. We have received many calls at our office with questions about the various government stimulus programs that Congress recently passed. Our ministry is here to point you towards resources for navigating these challenging times. Because we are not a law firm, The Fellowship Network is not permitted […]
Faith Rules
Faith rules. Right now, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the spirit of fear wants to rule–but Jesus tells us that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus! (Romans 8:38-39) As followers of Jesus, we have His peace and presence to minister to our families, friends and communities. When […]
How to respond to COVID-19
It’s been a fascinating couple of months as our entire world has been gripped by reports of a deadly virus spreading across the globe. There are reports of quarantined cruise ships, canceled conferences, and travel disruption all across the U.S. To those who have been medically affected by the spread of this new disease: we […]
God on the Earth!
To me, Christmas is all about God sovereignly orchestrating events to serve His purpose. Imagine God as a master maestro conducting the orchestra of nations, world leaders, and global events. Like pawns on His chessboard, He maneuvers them to fulfill His plan. And why is God on Earth as an embryo, a baby, a man, […]
Beyond Business-Friendly
When asked to list their top desires for their churches, most pastors list the same things: more people, more finances, and more of the presence of God. As leaders, we all want to see new resources unlocked for Kingdom advancement, increasing relevance in the community, and the spark of revival and reformation that transforms the […]
The Gift of Noticing
Sometimes it can be difficult for us to be thankful, even when life is going well. This can be counter-intuitive for some of us. After all, when things go well, we deep down know that we have so much to be grateful for. But the very nature of human beings – even if we are […]
Honoring Pastors and Pioneers
I believe that there is no more essential calling than that of a shepherd. Someone who cares for the flock, hears from the Holy Spirit, and humbly guides and comforts people through all of life’s challenges. It’s not the most glamorous calling, but God speaks highly of those who respond to His call. He exhorts […]
Do you believe that God is still healing?
As President of The Fellowship, I am blessed to hear praise reports from all over the world about the good things God is doing. Recently, I got word from our dear friend Carrol Westbrook in Durham, NC, about a breakthrough in physical healing for her previously-paralyzed son Neal. Here is what Carrol shared: Bible Study […]
Marketplace Ministry
Dear Pastors , We will be gathering in Greenville, SC in just a few days at the Advance 2019 Making The Most conference. I hope that you are making plans to be there, it is going to be a great conference! Since my last correspondence with you God has been helping me in the Marketplace […]
A call to pray for Venezuela
I believe that we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers. When we do spiritual warfare, we are partnering with the powers of Heaven. In the past several years, the well-being of the people of Venezuela has deteriorated. As the economy has crashed, essential services such as power and clear water […]
Announcing GCU Partnership
If you pastor a church, you understand the pressure of continuing your education while occupying the pulpit. It is often difficult or impossible for a vocational minister to take an extended leave of absence to pursue a much-needed ministry degree or certificate. I’m excited to announce a brand-new partnership that opens the door for many […]
Embracing hope, not despair
I am concerned about the enemy’s use of oppression on those who are in ministry leadership. Some are battling financial oppression, others mental and physical, and some even religious oppression. When oppression sneaks in, the enemy can use it to deceive you into thinking that it is normal – that being under the weight of […]
Beginning the year right
It’s a brand new year and a new season for growth in our ministry and relationship with God. This month is a great opportunity to pause and devote ourselves to seeking Him and spending time in His presence. I encourage everyone in our family of ministers, churches, and organizations to devote a portion of this […]
I have to be honest with you: I love Christmas! I love the music, the decorations, the food and special times with friends and family. I love the way Christmas smells. And who can argue with a couple of cool presents under the tree with your name on it!? If you ask me, it’s not […]
Let Yvonne’s story inspire your congregation to action
Yvonne is looked after by her sister because both her parents are in prison and not due for release for another 17 years. But sponsorship changed her life. Read her words: “I have never imagined that someone besides my parent would love me this much. I use to hear about sponsors, I would […]
Rescue Five Kids by Christmas
Who in your congregation has a special passion for reaching the least of these—the poor, the orphan, the outcast, the fatherless? More than 14 million children around the world are living in poverty, in danger of slavery, sex trafficking, malnutrition, and social stigmatization because one or more parent is in prison. They need someone to […]
Hurricane Florence Response
Dear TFN Family, Our hearts and prayers go out to all of those families, homes, churches, and businesses affected by Hurricane Florence the East Coast. I am personally experiencing the realities of his historic storm as several communities in our area contain flooding as high as eight feet above street level. Our church in Goldsboro, […]
Announcing our Israel tour in 2019!
The Fellowship is traveling to Israel in 2019! President Steve Holder and Vice President Harry Schmidt will be leading a trip from November 4-13, 2019. We will tour important historic sites such as the Mount of Olives, the Garden Tomb, the Garden of Gethsemane, visit a Holocaust Museum, the Fortress at Masada, the Dead Sea, […]
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is just a few short days away, and many of us are looking forward to enjoying the weekend with loved ones. For me, there is nothing better than catching a baseball game or hiking with Sharon or time out on the lake with your fishing gear and some good friends! It is easy […]
Taking Faith Point Mobile
It’s 7 AM on a chilly, Sunday morning in early February. The parking lot is already filling up at Clements Boys & Girls Club, in Killeen, Texas. As three, 24 foot trailers arrive, Faith Point boldly emblazoned on the sides, people begin getting out of their cars. The trailers pull around to the side […]
We are all called to Team JESUS
It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. On April 17th I was in the state of Washington for the RISE UP Northwest Regional conference with Kevin Hunter and Phil Vance. It was a refreshing three days of fellowship, encouragement, lots of food, and one of the hilliest rounds of golf I’ve ever played in my life! […]
Honoring a Legacy of Faithfulness
On Saturday, April 7th, my father C.R. Holder went to be with Jesus. He was 86 years old. My Dad was a faithful minister of the Gospel for nearly 70 years and a long-time and active part of The Fellowship Network. He pastored eleven churches, founded the congregation that I currently shepherd, and launched ministers […]
Special Greeting from P. Douglas Small
[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”off” specialty=”on” _builder_version=”3.0.76″ background_color=”#000000″][et_pb_column type=”1_3″][et_pb_image _builder_version=”3.0.76″ src=”https://tfnstaging19.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/banner.png” show_in_lightbox=”off” url_new_window=”off” use_overlay=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” border_style=”solid” force_fullwidth=”off” show_bottom_space=”on” /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type=”2_3″ specialty_columns=”2″][et_pb_row_inner admin_label=”Row” _builder_version=”3.0.76″ background_color=”#ffffff” custom_padding=”|15px||15px”][et_pb_column_inner type=”4_4″ saved_specialty_column_type=”2_3″][et_pb_post_title _builder_version=”3.0.76″ title=”on” meta=”on” author=”off” date=”on” categories=”off” comments=”off” featured_image=”off” featured_placement=”background” text_color=”dark” text_background=”off” border_style=”solid” /][et_pb_text admin_label=”Our friend P. Douglas Small from the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America is extending a special invitation […]
Easter: A Message of Hope
Easter: a Message of Hope When Jesus emerged from the tomb, sin and death bowed to Lord of eternal life. That’s the message of HOPE that inspires us never to give up. Whatever tomb may hold us captive, from unhealthy relationships to economic disadvantage, from divisiveness to prejudice, “the present moment” is not the same […]
Your church has an opportunity to bring hope
The Children of Prisoners Project is our fellowship’s opportunity to make a difference in parts of the world that desperately need to experience the love of our Father God. This isn’t some big outside organization soliciting funds—this is OUR FELLOWSHIP stepping up to meet a need that is largely going unfilled. Our goal is for […]
Announcing our NEWEST member of the team!
I have a very exciting announcement to share with you today. Our TFN ministry team is EXPANDING as God continues to bless and expand our global Kingdom Impact. A little over two years ago, we embarked on a journey to bring hope to some of the most vulnerable people in the world. The Children of […]
Power of Prevailing Prayer LIVE Virtual Prayer Meeting
Begin the New Year with prayer and fasting.
Prayer is a team sport
If you watched the College Football Championship game on Monday night, you saw a game for the ages. Georgia surged ahead in the first half, but then Alabama came back to tie it in the fourth quarter. After missing a game-winning field goal opportunity, the Crimson Tide won the game in overtime with a stunning […]
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! As I think about the new year, I am filled with hope and anticipation for what God is doing. These are exciting times for the Body of Christ: we are seeing more preaching, evangelism, and soul-winning around the world than ever before! And our network of ministers, churches, and organizations has a […]