Someone once wrote: “If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator; if our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist; if our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist; if our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer; but our greatest need was forgiveness.” So, God sent a Savior, Jesus.

Jesus was born into the world as “Emmanuel” (God with us) to bring forgiveness. It’s not because we deserve his forgiveness — because we don’t. It’s because God loves us so much that he saw no other way to bring forgiveness than to send his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross in our place and arise from the dead to save us from our sins and to bring us forgiveness.

Many people live around us every day needing forgiveness — people who can’t forgive themselves and people who don’t believe their sins can truly be cleansed. Yet that’s the message of Christmas. Only God’s blessed son could do that.

Without Jesus, we would still be held responsible for our own sins, and there could be no forgiveness. But when we believe (trust) in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and an empty tomb, God promises to forgive us —no matter who we are —no matter what we’ve done.

Because of this gift of forgiveness, we can offer forgiveness to those who have trespassed against us. May we let go of the bitterness of un-forgiveness and allow the wounds of the past to heal. Let us enjoy being with our families to celebrate and exchange gifts. But let’s not forget the real meaning of this season: The forgiveness of our sins and the gift of eternal life through Jesus — God’s greatest gift to mankind.

We love and appreciate each of you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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