
The cornerstone of our faith

The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. The life of Jesus shows us how to live, the death of Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, and the resurrection of Jesus is why our faith still has power today.

Without the resurrection, we are simply a club of like-minded individuals celebrating a man who lived long ago. But Jesus is more than a man, and the power of the cross was more than the sacrifice itself: the resurrection declared victory over death for all time!

Never again would humanity be trapped in an unbreakable cycle of sin and death. Every person now has the choice of everlasting life because of the resurrection!

The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through the resurrection of Jesus.

The resurrection declares that the debt of sin was paid for all time! Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave! Through faith in Jesus, we have hope beyond this life, beyond physical death, and for all eternity. The resurrection isn’t just the last part of the story: it’s the part that keeps going on and on into our eternity!

As we celebrate Passion Week, let’s eagerly announce the RISEN savior. Let’s tell the world this Good News: that our faith is alive and well because of the resurrected Jesus!




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