The Fellowship Conference 2024 Orange County

Featuring Sean Smith Chris Estrada Erica Estrada Steve Holder Lodging Hyatt Regency Orange County 11999 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove, California 92840 United States Book Now $169/night per room when you book before June 1. Newly renovated king beds or double bed rooms 2 swimming pools, pickleball courts, shuffleboard, and a full gym Just 1 mile […]

2024 North West Conference

Though the world may be chaotic, Jesus is moving powerfully, and His Spirit is empowering and equipping His people to serve Him with life, vibrancy, and joy! The Fellowship Network International (TFNI) is a Spirit-Empowered community advancing the Kingdom of God. And The Fellowship Northwest is calling you to a celebration! May 8 – 10, […]

2023 Sarasota Conference

SPEAKERS Early registration is open for The Fellowship Conference in Sarasota, Florida! Join Steve Holder and the entire Fellowship Network team for three days of fellowship and refreshing in an incredible family-friendly location.   Air Travel to Florida Air Travel to Florida Did you know that the Sarasota airport has direct flights from over 505 […]

Random Photo Gallery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non eros sodales, auctor nisl eget, varius justo. Mauris et consequat mi. Mauris varius nulla luctus nisi iaculis aliquam. Curabitur lectus velit, molestie at justo nec, egestas ultricies erat. Sed dignissim lacinia est, sit amet porta lacus malesuada ut. Sed ultricies orci erat, non posuere est […]

Jonathan & Carolyn Engstrom and Healthy Pastor Transitions

When Jon & Judy Engstrom knew it was time to hand off their church to the next generation, they reached out for mentoring at The Fellowship Network. Today, Christ the Rock Fellowship in Lynnwood, Washington is thriving because their entire team embraced a multigenerational handoff to empower the next generation.

Stay Woke

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me, and I will answer you, and SHOW you great and mighty things which you do not know.”

Chris Estrada is a voice impacting generations. His roaring excitement and ability to address current issues with solid, life-changing truth makes him a dynamic communicator for everyone that hears him. Chris is the director of Missions Me in Southern California. Learn more at

Anthony Trask and Fellowship Church

“Several years ago, (our) family went through a crisis. As pastors who were hurting, we reached out to people we knew in The Fellowship. It gave us great hope that God was going to get us out of the place that we were at and into a much better place.” Anthony & Susan Trask. Salem, […]

Josh Lewis and The Remnant Radio podcast

The Remnant Radio is taking the Internet by storm with its vast range of interviews, timely discussions, and hard-hitting theology. Producer and host Josh Lewis joined The Fellowship Network to help establish his ministry on a strong legal foundation, allowing the show to quickly raise support and expand its reach.

7 Habits of Very Valuable Staff Members

1 Chron 12:33 “…experienced soldiers prepared for battle with every type of weapon, to help David with undivided loyalty…”
Fred Joob from Christian Life Church in Mt Prospect, IL.

Creating a people-reaching culture

Scott Hinkle shares the fundamentals of creating a culture that meets people where they are and connects them with the hope of the Gospel.

Impact of Digital Media on Family

Franklin Santagate is on a mission to bring light into the darkness through media. His Christian media company PureFlix is bringing wholesome, Christ-honoring content to millions of users worldwide.

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