Kingdom Worklife – Blessed are The Peacemakers

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God! 

Imagine there is a disagreement: tempers flare, two angry men square off, ready to come to blows. Friends step in to pull them apart and de-escalate the conflict. Is that what it means to be a peacemaker? The biblical concept goes beyond this. The Greek word for peace is “eirene,” meaning “made whole,” and includes the idea of an absence of warfare but goes beyond and invokes the Hebraistic shalom with the sense of wholeness, prosperity, health, and wellbeing. In other words, it’s when things are at their fullness – their highest and best. It’s contrasted with brokenness, sickness, perversity, and strife. Shalom is flourishing; it’s the abundant life Jesus spoke of (Jn 10:10). 

So, the word peacemaker has the sense of one who makes, builds, or restores the shalom of God. 

  • Shalom in a family looks like love, blessing, honor, nurture, admonition, care, and support. 
  • Shalom in a business looks like diligent meaningful work, gainful employment, servant leadership, purpose affirmed, gifts developed, win-win agreements, collaboration, teamwork, and profitability. 
  • Shalom in education looks like destinies affirmed, truth taught, disciples formed, understanding gained, skills honed, and dreams nurtured. 
  • Shalom in our communities looks like the knowledge of the glory of the Lord pervading all aspects of life – healthy families, low crime, low addiction, high employment, growing prosperity, upward mobility, long healthy life expectancy, powerful prophetic pulpits, and a strong, full Gospel preached and lived by the body of Christ on assignment in every sphere of life.

In Jer 29:7 the Lord instructs the children of Israel to “… SEEK the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” [emphasis mine]

How do we seek the peace of our communities? James, in his discussion of the beatitudes, gives us some help. He writes, “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18 NIV The word picture here is that we intentionally cultivate shalom. As children of our Father – Greek Huios; sons, rightful heirs – we resemble Him when we consistently cultivate His highest and best in our work, when we tap into His truth and His wisdom, when we promote kingdom flourishing in our work, families and community. Ask the Lord to show you one specific way you can act, speak or pray and begin to sow the Shalom of God in your work today. 

Adapted from Blessed2Bless: Applying the Timeless Wisdom of the Divine Entrepreneur to Your Life and Business.