Tuesday Schedule

  • 1:00pm Registration Opens
  • 6:00pm Welcome Dinner
  • 7:00pm Evening Service with Sean Smith

Wednesday Schedule

  • 9:00am
    Morning Service with Joe Fitzgerald
  • 10:30am
    Breakout Sessions block 1
Equipping your Members for their Monday Morning Assignment with Jason Benedict
Location: Terrace CD
Media Ministry with Adam Ratliff

Location: Terrace AB

When Trauma Comes to Church with Kaylene Henderson

Location: Terrace EF

  • 11:30am
    Breakout Sessions block 2
Worship & Sound Ministry with Blake Holder and Gage Haveri
Location: Terrace AB
Inside Out Community Outreach with Dan & Cassi Fitzgerald
Location: Terrace CD
Chaplain Ministry with Ron Whitt
Location: Terrace EF
  • 12:30pm
    Men’s Lunch with Chris Estrada and Women’s Lunch with Erica Estrada
  • 2:00pm
    Free time
  • 7:00pm
    Evening Service with Chris Estrada (Main Ballroom)

Thursday Schedule

  • 8:30am
    Business Meeting 
  • 9:30am
    Missions Breakfast with Travis Moffitt
  • 11:00am
    Free Time
  • 11:30am
    Shuttle Bus to Balboa Pier
  • 7:00pm
    Evening Service with Steve Holder
  • 9:00pm
    Closing Reception

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