Pray for His Glory on the Earth

Today is the National Day of Prayer, a day to humble ourselves before God and acknowledge our need for His power and influence in our world. Praying amidst a pandemic is more relevant than ever! Our eyes and ears and hearts should be open to seeing the glory of God covering the earth.
Here are three prayer points for pursuing His glory on the earth during this season:

First, we must personally recognize God as the creator and ultimate source for everything on the earth. God is not surprised by the pandemic, nor is He a victim of its effects. Instead, He is above it all as the creator of the world. It is our job to lead others in acknowledgment and submission to His lordship.

Second, we must pray for a national and global return to God. He has positioned heads of state and marketplace leaders in positions of influence, and we have a mandate to pray for their hearts to be turned back to our Heavenly Father as the supreme authority over our lives.

Thirdly we pray for a national and global resolve to loving the Lord our God with all our hearts AND loving our neighbor as ourselves. When we pray and see the fulfillment of these three principles, the glory of God will be encountered in all the earth.

May God continue to cover the earth with His glory, and may we honor Him as the Almighty God that He is! To God be the Glory!!

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