Pentecost: The day of church empowerment.

Today is Pentecost Sunday: the day the church was set on fire. Fifty days after the crucifixion of Jesus, the promise of the Father was sent to empower the early church in power and boldness. And the same is true today.

I think that it is fitting that Pentecost Sunday should fall in a season when many of our churches are opening their doors again after quarantine. Our nation is in great need of the power of God – riots, civil unrest, injustice towards our brothers and sisters, and yes, COVID-19. This is the hour when the church is meant to shine!

I believe that we are not to sit on the sidelines during this critical hour, but to move out in boldness and fire. As Spirit-empowered believers, we have a mandate to cast out devils, to lay hands on the sick and see them recover, and to proclaim the Gospel to all people. Today, let’s come together in “one place” as Christians and receive the gift that was promised. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to rest on us, just like the early church. And let each of us move out in boldness and faith in this opportune time, knowing that the power of God was given to us for precisely this moment in history.

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