Marketplace Ministry

Dear Pastors ,

We will be gathering in Greenville, SC in just a few days at the Advance 2019 Making The Most conference. I hope that you are making plans to be there, it is going to be a great conference!

Since my last correspondence with you God has been helping me in the Marketplace Ministry to develop multiple ways to assist you in your ministry or business. From a business model Marketplace Ministry is like the sales industry which includes both the manufacturing division and the research and development (R&D) division.

The research & development division (The Marketplace Ministry) includes learning to apply truth, digging deeper into the Word, experimenting with the Holy Spirit, moving in the gifts, stepping out in faith, dreaming with God, attempting the impossible and believing the unreasonable.

The Marketplace Ministry (R&D) is endeavoring to make contact with necessary resources so that we can network you with those resources to help you better facilitate your ministry or business. God wants to reveal His Kingdom secrets to us so that they can become part of our ancestral dynasty, which we then can pass down to future generations.

Such resources would be a network of contacts with food and clothing distribution centers, ways to help you set up a business plan for your church, ministry or business, ways that you can expose your ministry to areas unreached by internet radio, ways to assist local churches in reaching the marketplace in their community. There are other things that I am working on that hasn’t developed yet. Please let me know what your need is and I will do my best to facilitate your request.

Please visit The Fellowship Network Marketplace display in the exhibit area at the convention and introduce yourself to me and our team that is working with me and let us know how we can help you in making your ministry or business more successful in the marketplace. If you are unable to attend the conference please feel free to contact me by email or phone. Our goal in the Fellowship’s Marketplace Ministry is to equip, empower and affirm marketplace ministers in the community.

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