Our friends in Texas are experiencing some of the worst flooding in a century. The storm has brought some of the heaviest rain ever recorded on the Gulf Coast, and now the coastal cities are waiting for the waters to recede.

Jesus showed a remarkable ability to stay calm during stormy times. He literally fell asleep in the boat while His disciples were worried about sinking in the squall! Christ was able to rest during rough times because He knew where His authority was sourced. Jesus was keenly aware of His relationship with God the Father – He saw the storm from Heaven’s perspective, not from the surface of the waves.

Right now, our brothers and sisters impacted by the storm are going through extremely challenging times. I am so blessed to hear the testimonies of churches, neighbors, and communities rising to the challenge to provide aid and shelter to the victims. Through it all, we need to take a cue from Jesus and see this storm from a Heavenly perspective. To know that God is ultimately in control, and is able to calm the wind at a moment’s notice.

We also have the responsibility to live like Jesus and care for our brethren in need. Right now, Fellowship Network churches and organizations across the South Central region are mobilizing resources and volunteers to assist those affected by the storm. It is so encouraging to see our network acting as Christ’s hands extended during this challenging time. If you live in the region and are able to lend a hand, please do. It’s what we are called to do as Christ-followers: loving our neighbors as ourselves.

If you live outside of Texas and the greater Gulf Coast, consider supporting one of our partner ministries with your financial gifts by contacting our TFN office at 214-492-1254. There is a great need for food, water, and supplies, and time is short for those who are most affected by the devastation. Let’s rally together as a fellowship to see people’s lives touched during this critical time.

In Christ,
Steve Holder

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