Our friends at Christ in Action continue to coordinate relief work across the devastated areas of the Texas coast. Volunteers from all over the south have been traveling to the region to aid in the cleanup work.

From the Christ in Action team:

We want to give a shout out to Joshua, Janelle, Lisa, Tyler, and Ray from Faith Point Killeen of Killeen, TX. Their group drove down to serve for four days and was touched by the number of volunteers coming from all over the country to serve with a spirit of unity. Pastor Joshua said the experience was more than he could imagine. He was moved by the vast destruction, each pile representing lives being impacted, and loved the opportunity to help in some way.
Thank you Faith Point Church for serving the survivors of Corpus Christi!

I couldn’t be more proud!

Thank you everyone who has volunteered, donated, or supported the disaster relief in any way. Together, we are living out Jesus’ call to love our neighbors and show kindness to those less fortunate than ourselves.

Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.”

In Christ,
Steve Holder

PS. It’s not too late to donate towards the work! And there is so much left to be done. The amazing servants at Christ in Action have fully fundraised their entire team, which means that 100% of your money donated to the relief work goes to help work on the ground. Please, give today.

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