Giving Thanks for a Blessed Year

One week before our Thanksgiving holiday, we had the privilege of spending time with some of our closest and dearest friends during The Fellowship Network Fall Cruise. We departed out of Galveston for five days of relaxation, great dining, and a chance to catch up with old friends and co-laborers in the Lord. God has done so much in our lives and in our ministries!
Hebrews 12:28 says “Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.” I want to take a moment and offer thanks and worship to God for the blessings we are received in His kingdom this year.

In our Fellowship family, we welcomed over 40 new churches to our membership, and over 70 organizations! It is exciting to see the kingdom grow as our network expands.

This last year, we had over twenty different congregations participate in the Children of Prisoners Project, resulting in over 250 young people getting sponsored and provided support and care.

Our network hosted five regional conferences, dozens of city-wide gatherings, and facilitated hundreds of connections for resourcing, mentoring, and networking.

Because of the faithfulness of our members and our commitment to the Great Commision, we gave tens of thousands of dollars towards World Missions, providing seed money to dozens of projects around the world. Our hundreds of member missionaries were supported by a network of committed evangelists and apostles, facilitating spiritual growth and natural development for the ministers spreading the Gospel into every corner of the world.

This Thanksgiving, I am rejoicing for each and every one of you, our members. Our Fellowship family means the world to us, and Sharon and I thank God for you every day. Please join us this week in lifting up worship to God with reverence and awe for the many amazing things He has done. And for the many thing He will be in the coming year.

In Christ, with much love and thanksgiving,
Steve Holder
President, The Fellowship Network
PS. I’m giving thanks that we have an awesome International Conference to look ahead towards!

Save the date: July 4-6 in Scottsdale, AZ.

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