Diversity and Forgiveness

Jesus’ prayer in John 17:22-23 gives us a glimpse of our future potential: “And the glory which you have given Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that you have sent Me, and have loved them as You have love Me”

Did you sense His heart yearning for love, glory, unity, the presence of God, and perfection? To some, it is an unrealistic ideal given the level of diversity in the world today, but I believe that God will answer His prayer.

Forgiveness is the key to seeing the manifestation of God’s will in our diversity. In Acts 17:26-29, the scriptures reveal that God deliberately formed the nations and created unique national identities. He established borders and created diversity within nations, but in His wisdom, He connected us together. He made us from one blood.

It is also the glue between individuals torn apart by history. We also share many painful history (slavery, etc.), and there are many voices on how to handle it. One group, yells “Just get over it”, while the other demands reparations. The truth is that there is a higher perspective: God’s.

Forgiveness is the irreplaceable key to forging national unity and peace. The nations of the Americas and Caribbean are the most diverse places in the world. Years ago hundreds of men and women were brought here in shackles. Today millions are being deliberately sent here by God through conception and birth. Others find other ways to get here. I believe that we will experience something heavenly when we embrace our diversity and focus on forging a new future together by preaching and applying the glue of forgiveness.

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