If you pastor a church, you understand the pressure of continuing your education while occupying the pulpit. It is often difficult or impossible for a vocational minister to take an extended leave of absence to pursue a much-needed ministry degree or certificate.

I’m excited to announce a brand-new partnership that opens the door for many pastors and ministers looking to further their education. For over 60 years, Grand Canyon University has offered Bachelor and Master degrees, including the famed divinity degree, to pastors in the South West United States. Now, their world-renowned online college is offering fully-accredited programs to tens of thousands of ministers around the world. Starting this year, GCU is offering Fellowship Network members, as well as employees and lay ministers of member churches a special 10% discount on their already-low tuition! This is a game-changer for many people.

Suddenly, you don’t have to take a two-year sabbatical to earn that bachelor’s degree or masters in divinity. You can earn your fully-accredited degree from home while continuing to serve in your local congregation. GCU’s one class at-at-time program, allows you to continue serving in ministry. For those whose ministry involves managing the home, you don’t have to neglect your household in order to earn your degree.

To take advantage of this offer, be sure to sign up through our special TFN partner contact form. Special thank you to Grand Canyon University and their leadership team’s vision to equip ministers of the Gospel with the education they need to faithfully serve for years to come!

Steve Holder
President, The Fellowship Network

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